Utils ===== | BIGREST has a Python module called utils that has multiple useful functions. | Use these functions to help you work with iControl REST API. rest_format ----------- Code ~~~~ .. autofunction:: bigrest.utils.utils.rest_format Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python path = ( f"/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/{rest_format('/bigrest/bigrest_pool')}" f"/members/{rest_format('/bigrest/')}" ) device.delete(path) Explanation ~~~~~~~~~~~ | iControl REST API requires "/" to be converted to "~". | Also requires "%" (used for route domains) to be converted to "%25". token ----- Code ~~~~ .. autofunction:: bigrest.utils.utils.token Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python token_ = token("", "admin", "password") Explanation ~~~~~~~~~~~ | This function is mainly used to test the BIGREST itself. | However, you can use to generate a token, that can be used in other tools. | If you are just working with BIGREST, either BIGIP or BIGIQ classes, it can use token internally if you enable token. | If you pass the debug keyword with filename, when iControl REST API returns an error, BIGREST will create the file with debug information. | The information will include the HTTP full request sent to the device, and the HTTP full response received from the device. refresh_token ------------- Code ~~~~ .. autofunction:: bigrest.utils.utils.refresh_token Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python refresh_token_ = refresh_token("", "admin", "password") Explanation ~~~~~~~~~~~ | This function is mainly used to test the BIGREST itself and only works with BIG-IQ (BIG-IP does not implement refresh token). | However, you can use to generate a refresh token, that can be used in other tools. | If you are just working with BIGREST, BIGIQ class only, it can use refresh token internally if you provide a refresh token. | If you pass the debug keyword with filename, when iControl REST API returns an error, BIGREST will create the file with debug information. | The information will include the HTTP full request sent to the device, and the full HTTP response received from the device.