task_start ========== Code ---- .. automethod:: bigrest.bigiq.BIGIQ.task_start Example ------- .. code-block:: python path = ( f"/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-adccore-allbigipDevices/devices" f"?$filter=hostname eq 'LABBIGIP1.lab.local'" ) device_link = device.link(path) path = ( f"/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-adccore-allbigipDevices/devices" f"?$filter=hostname eq 'LABBIGIP2.lab.local'" ) device_link2 = device.link(path) data = { "name": "BIGREST Add config to device", "deviceReferences": [ { "link": device_link }, { "link": device_link2 } ], "disableUnusedObjectRemoval": True } device.task_start( "/mgmt/cm/adc-core/tasks/deploy-configuration", data) Explanation ----------- | Some HTTP requests sent to the iControl REST API will take some time to be completed. | In these cases, they are defined as tasks. | First, we create the properties of the task, and then we start the task. | In this example, we are pushing the BIG-IQ configuration to the BIG-IP devices.