upload ====== Code ---- .. automethod:: bigrest.bigip.BIGIP.upload Example ------- .. code-block:: python device.upload( "/mgmt/cm/autodeploy/software-image-uploads", "bigrest.iso") Explanation ----------- | This upload the local file to the device. | The API limit uploads to chunks of 1M, so BIGREST will handle that. | You just need to pass the HTTP path to the location to upload and the local file. | I am only aware of 2 locations that you can upload files to BIG-IP. | **Folder:** /var/config/rest/downloads | **HTTP path:** /mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads | **Folder:** /shared/images | **HTTP path:** /mgmt/cm/autodeploy/software-image-downloads | **/var/config/rest/downloads** is the folder created for iControl REST API downloads and uploads. | While **/shared/images** is where we have software images.